Day 2 - Lockdown A wave a day....

Like a game of Where's Wally - Credit needed. 
After yesterday's mid-morning meltdown I took I it easier on myself.

Emails and calls, followed by some essential self preservation and a food shop. The morning had been quiet and the Little Lodger and I ventured to Lidl. It was nearly empty with everyone pausing to let people past (except those standing apart in middle of the store 'distancing' but actually causing a bottleneck of close proximity). There was tension and undercurrent with one shopper being evicted for being.. Well, a dick frankly. But overall, shopping was a space of...... Space. Home to mowing the lawn and pondering whether the neighbours would respond to my note suggesting a 5.30 pm wave and a holler across the streets. I have no faith. At 5.30 on the dot something miraculous happened. They all came out to say hello and introduce themselves. It made my little event ego shine. After a few minutes chat we all went inside pledging to do it again. I have been so chuffed that video calls with friends to celebrate a birthday felt like a proper party. Today was sunny, happy and hopeful. It's left me feeling able to face the next few days. Maybe I can get used to the liberation of limited supermarket choice......


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