Day 3 Lockdown - Moment of Horror

Following a moment of absolute horror before bedtime last night (cat vomit on the shampooed carpet) and my late night wailing along to Gareth Malone's tuition on Youtube, today had to start better. Radio 2, lappie at the ready and calls with my team. I post Judy Garland's glorious toe-tapper 'Get Happy' on social media - too late realising that the song mentions preparing for judgement day quite a few times. Could this be seen as inciting paranoia? I worry that my aspirations to be a social media celebrity could be thwarted at an early stage. Feeling focussed on work...but the Little Lodger is unsettled as the current societal implications take their toll. Much chivvying along and a promise she can faff my hair later helps. Tea break highlights farty smell in the kitchen - amazing how coriander can turn so vile. Fuss the cat to eat tuna but she avoids it knowing it's laced with medicine. Solid working through afternoon interspersed with procrastinating about the cat and listening to a hairdresser guide a presenter in isolation on self -hair cutting which sounds too dangerous (thank you genes for curly hair) - will there be a post-pandemic cohort of isolators with legendary mullets soon? However, inspired to get hair dye and wondering if neon yellow or pink is a go-er in the current plight. Small things are starting to become an exciting focus of the day. The Tesco van that goes around the street twice in 5 minutes (is he enjoying the traffic-free roads and out for a disguised spin?), the 5.30 wave - only three of us tonight but we'll persevere and the NHS clap (that sounds wrong) saw the Little Lodger and I sprint out the front door at 8 but it was already nearly over - so I threw out a few big whistles to make up for it. Eat, sleep, isolate, (worry about cat), try to locate loo rolls in online shop, repeat.


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