Day 6 Lockdown. Corona Clock Down.

As I dream of cakes and washing my hands, enjoying the moments of sleep forgetfulness before another day in lockdown. Hear shuffling noise. Cue instant joy knowing that the feline is gracing me with her presence. Reach out to fuss her - greeted by yakking cat; pink tongue protruding, looking throttled. I am gifted one Sunday morning hairball on the bed and a 'feed me now' meow. Get up and make tea. ....
Puft that am awake AND being productive by 8.30 on Sunday. (yeah, lay ins!) Nagging feeling something is not right and 10 minutes later realise clocks went forward. Go back to bed with tea and compensatory hot cross buns.
Little Lodger and I scoff lunch compare notes on the times we had anaesthetic and what a hoot that was. Lodger wins with bone cruncher of a story. Inwardly gag. Am always aware how relieved I am that the Little Lodger and I get on (my youthful outlook clearly). It's only been a month and these are strange times. Especially to be locked up with someone you don't know well. We're going to make memories together by doing DIY and exercise in the garden. God help us all but the garden should look pretty. Pretty sure being housebound with the quiet Latvian Bodybuilder who came to view wouldn't have been as convivial.
Mum calls for video chat and asks me to guess what hobby Dad has pulled out of the cupboard after decades? It could be many things but I bet it's not the doll's house from 1985 he promised me. Mums asks about the carpet and nailpolish, Busted - trouble with lockdowns. Everybody has time to be a social media expert.
Feeling motivated to get on top of an abundance of boxes of crap and make the dining room beautiful oasis. One hour in am shopping online for hairdye (a grey nation are at the end this) as realise no charity shops open. Half-heartedly shove a few things about and keep the Kinder Egg dinosaur fro 2011 and ditch the lighting and sound coursework from 2007. Find sone change and am surprised how odd it feels already. Tomorrow's tidy deskspace comprises several serving platters, a napkin holder, one pacing cat, and a candelabra (just add quiz show, conveyor belt, and a fluffy toy)
5.30 wave and just two of us. Begin to think neighbours not so keen on it or maybe they read the same article about Italy I did and are just planning ahead. Conversation is all about Corona and dark days to come. Has nature press reset button? Starting to feel like it.
Prescribed exercise is head clearing. Can hear the birds, spot the pillock doing 60 in a 30 (no other cars pal, idiot), Never really appreciated the liberty of just taking a walk. Start to enjoy it, go further. Realise the only place for a loo is home. Speed up and stop by the local church door and read their prayers - sobering (not to pray to find a loo)
Have felt a bit sniffy and crap today. Anxiety starts to peak as 1) house not tidy (but have pleeeennttyyy of time) and 2) If this is Corona and paramedics had to visit would they judge me on my tidiness? Sign up to Disney Channel to compensate.
Little Lodger cooks marvellous tea accompanied by Coronas. Pretty sure that whatever problems we all have when we come out the 'other side' of all this, potbellies and pickled livers will be in there somewhere.


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